Addteq Website Accessibility Statement:

We want everyone who visits the website, to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.

What are we doing?

To help us make the website a positive place for everyone we have been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 standards to guide us in our accessibility auditing.  These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities and user friendly for everyone.  The guidelines have 3 levels: A, AA, and AAA.  We have picked AA as the target for Addteq's company.

How are we doing?

We have worked on our website to improve its accessibility.  Our goal is to be WCAG 2.1 accessible in the near future.  We continuously monitor the website regularly in order to maintain accessibility but if you have any problems please get in touch with us

Unstoppable App Accessibility Statement:

We want everyone who uses the Unstoppable app for Jira and Confluence, to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.

What are we doing?

To help us make the Unstoppable for Jira & Confluence app an accessible and productive tool for everyone, we have been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 standards to guide us in our accessibility auditing.  These guidelines explain how to make web content and tools more accessible for people with disabilities and more user friendly for everyone.  The guidelines have 3 levels: A, AA, and AAA.  We have picked AA as the target for Addteq's company.

How are we doing?

We have worked on our unstoppable for Jira tool to improve its accessibility.  Our goal is to be WCAG 2.1 accessible in the near future.  We continuously monitor the tool regularly in order to maintain accessibility but if you have any problems please get in touch with us at

You can contact us at for more information. 

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