
Steps to be Followed by the JAWS User


"Browse" button for the Attachment
  • Get the focus onto the "Browse" button.
  • Hit the space-bar key twice for the browse window to open up.
  • Now the user can navigate and select the required files.

Multi-user pickers
  • Get the focus onto the multi user picker text area.
  • Start typing the user's name/id.
  • A list with matching items opens up and use the down/up arrow keys to traverse through the list.
  • Hit "Enter' key to select the intended user.
  • Now this user gets added to the textarea.
  • To select the next user, hit "Enter" again and start typing the user's name/id.
  • Once the list opens up, use the down/up arrow keys again to traverse and hit "Enter" key to select the intended user.

Project list on Create screen
  • Initially when the Create issue screen is opened, the project list is populated with 20 values.
  • If the user wants to select some other project apart from the ones in the list, then there is a “View More” option at the bottom of the list (which can be focused on by pressing the “End” key).
  • Once the focus is on this option and the user hits “Enter” key, the next set of 100 projects will be populated.
  • There is a “View More” option at the end of the newly populated list as well, which would help in fetching all the remaining projects and add it to the list

JIRA short-cuts