Step 1  Press the "Command+F5" keys to turn on the VoiceOver feature.

Step 2  Press the "Control+Option+U" keys to Open the rotor dialog.

Step 3  Move to the "Form Fields" dialog using the "Left or Right" arrow keys. 

Step 4  Select the "Search Edit" link from the "Form Fields" dialog.

Step 5  Press the "Return" key to change the focus to the "Global Search" of the VoiceOver screen reader.  

Step 6  The focus will be on the "Global Search" field in Jira.

Step 7  Enter the issue id or project name in the " Global Search " field of Jira.

Step 7  Press the "Ctrl+Option+Left/Right" keys to traverse through the issues and projects in live search of Jira. 

Step 8  Press the "Ctrl+Potion+Space" keys to open the selected issue or project in Jira.